Amana Dryer Not Shutting Off Automatically? Here’s the Solution

By SmartHomeBit Staff •  Updated: 06/06/23 •  23 min read

Table of Contents

Understanding the Issue with Amana Dryer Not Turning off Automatically

Dryers have become a staple in modern households, but malfunctions can cause serious inconvenience and even safety hazards. In this section, we will discuss the issue of Amana dryer not turning off automatically and its potential risks. We’ll first provide an overview of the problem, then highlight the importance of fixing the issue to avoid any further complications. Let’s dig deeper into this perplexing problem!

Overview of the problem

Amana dryers not turning off is a common problem. It could be caused by a timer, thermostat, moisture sensor, clogged vent, broken door switch, or control board. This needs to be addressed quickly, as it can cause overheating and potential fires. Before troubleshooting, it is essential to unplug the dryer from any electrical supplies. Safety first!

Importance of fixing the issue

Fixing the issue of a dryer not turning off is imperative. This avoids potential dangers and saves energy, providing a cost-effective solution. When left running too long, it can harm internal parts like timers, thermostats, and sensors. This increases repair bills if not fixed quickly.

Also, this ensures clothes dry evenly and consistently. Over-drying can harm delicate fabrics. Under-drying can cause mold growth.

So, fixing an Amana dryer that won’t turn off is essential for safety, cost-efficiency, and proper performance. Delaying resolution could cause complications that impact the appliance and your laundry.

Possible Reasons behind Amana Dryer Not Turning off Automatically

Is your Amana dryer refusing to turn off on its own? A malfunctioning dryer can be stressful and dangerous. In this section, we will explore the possible reasons behind your Amana dryer not turning off automatically, including:

  1. a faulty timer mechanism,
  2. defective cycling thermostat,
  3. and malfunctioning moisture sensor.

With this information, you can better diagnose the issue and identify the necessary steps to get your dryer back in working order.

Faulty timer mechanism

Amana dryers not turning off automatically is likely caused by a problem with the timer mechanism. This timer is in charge of when the dryer starts and stops. Worn or broken internal connections from an ineffective timer motor can lead to inconsistent operations.

It’s smart to get a professional to repair or replace the timer. But, first, people can investigate the issue by testing each component. When doing so, safety precautions must be taken, such as disconnecting the dryer from power sources.

Perhaps the Amana dryer is like a clingy ex? If so, it could be the cycling thermostat that’s defective.

Defective cycling thermostat

If your Amana dryer doesn’t turn off, a cycling thermostat could be the cause. It regulates the temperature in the dryer by turning the heating element on and off. But if it isn’t working, it won’t maintain the set temperature – resulting in the dryer running without shutting off.

To fix this, use a multimeter to test the cycling thermostat. If faulty, replace it to make sure your dryer works properly. Keep in mind that repairing electrical components requires knowledge of safety procedures and protocols from the manufacturer.

In addition to a defective cycling thermostat, a faulty timer or malfunctioning moisture sensor can cause the dryer not to turn off. So, test and inspect all related components. If you can’t solve the issue, get help from an appliance technician specializing in Amana dryers.

Just like humans need therapy when feeling emotional, appliances need attention to stay in top shape. So if your Amana dryer isn’t behaving, give it some TLC.

Malfunctioning moisture sensor

Is your Amana dryer not turning off? It may be due to an issue with the moisture sensor. This sensor detects the level of wetness in the laundry and stops the dryer when they’re dry. Sometimes, it can provide wrong readings. This can harm fabrics, use more energy, and make electricity bills higher.

To fix this, first check the wiring connections of the sensor. If they’re all secure, check if there’s dirt or build-up on its surface that may be causing it to malfunction. Cleaning may help. But if it doesn’t, you may have to replace the sensor.

Replacing parts may need professional help. But by following these tips, you can be your own handyman and fix your moisture sensor. This will ensure your Amana dryer works efficiently.

Troubleshooting Steps to Fix Amana Dryer Not Turning off Automatically

If your Amana dryer is not turning off automatically, it might be frustrating to leave it running without any end in sight. But do not worry, we’ve got you covered. In this section, we discuss the troubleshooting steps to fix Amana dryer not turning off automatically. We’ll take a look at safety precautions you should consider before troubleshooting and the various components you should inspect in your dryer to identify the root cause of the issue.

Safety precautions before troubleshooting

It’s crucial to take safety precautions when troubleshooting an Amana Dryer. Electrical appliances need extra care. Follow these steps:

  1. Step 1 – Unplug the dryer from the electrical outlet or switch off the circuit breaker.
  2. Step 2 – Put on protective gear like rubber gloves and safety goggles.
  3. Step 3 – Allow time for all parts of the dryer to cool down. Heated components can cause burns and injuries.
  4. Step 4 – Don’t touch any part of the dryer’s interior without disconnecting its electrical supply.
  5. Step 5 – Have a fire extinguisher close by in case of accidents.

Practice safety protocols when dealing with electrically-powered devices. Prioritize your safety! Keep a fire extinguisher handy and wear the right gear. Neglecting safety can lead to costly replacements and delayed repairs. Better safe than sorry!

Checking the power source

To make sure your Amana dryer functions well, check its power source. Unplug the dryer and any extension cords or adapters. Plug in a different appliance to the power outlet and see if it works. If it doesn’t, the power source may be the problem. Reset the circuit breaker then plug it in again. If that won’t work, get a professional electrician.

Plug the dryer back in and check the controls. Do not work on the dryer when it is plugged in. Unplug all energy sources before fixing it. Other causes of an Amana dryer not turning off, like a faulty timer mechanism or a broken door switch, need to be looked at too. Follow safety precautions and only do what you are confident in doing.

DIY repairs can cause more harm than good. Your best option for technical repairs like this is to call a repair expert who will quickly and effectively troubleshoot and fix your Amana dryer issue. Check the outlets where the dryer connecting cord attaches. Loose connections or burnt marks indicate the need for repair. Get investigating!

Inspecting the dryer components

When it comes to inspecting Amana dryer components, safety is key. Always disconnect the power cord and let all parts cool before continuing.

Check for loose wires, damaged belts/pulleys, and clogged filters in the lint trap/exhaust vents. These can cause the dryer to malfunction and not turn off.

Inspect the timer, moisture sensor, and cycling thermostat. These are responsible for preventing over-drying and shutting off. If they are not working, it can cause problems.

Look for other issues such as damaged door switches/control panels that can affect performance.

Regular inspection is essential. Take action if any issues are found – a malfunctioning electric system may lead to fires or electrocutions. Get help from a professional if needed.

Checking the Dryer Timer Mechanism

Did you know that a faulty timer mechanism can be the cause of your Amana dryer not turning off automatically? In this section, we’ll explore the inner workings of the dryer’s timer mechanism and identify signs of malfunction. We’ll also provide you with steps to repair or replace the timer mechanism to ensure your dryer runs smoothly.

How the timer mechanism works

The timer mechanism in an Amana dryer is essential. When started, electricity flows through the timer motor and rotates gear teeth. This drives cams. The first cam activates the heating element for a pre-set period. Then, a switch on another cam opens. This stops electricity to the heating element but keeps power running to the drum motor.

The ‘off’ status stops powering both the heating element and drum motor. This allows for automatic shutdown after a set drying duration or when moisture levels reach a certain level, such as delicates, bulky or wool. You can also set the timer manually.

Faulty electrical switches can cause issues with the Automatic shut off time control. Recently, when troubleshooting my Amana Dryer Not Turning Off Automatically issue, I found out I needed a new timer mechanism. After an expert checked it, he installed the new timing mechanism and returned my machine to working order quickly.

It’s important to make sure the timer mechanism is working properly. If there are any issues, contact a professional.

Indications of a faulty timer mechanism

Amana Dryer – Indications of a Faulty Timer Mechanism

If your Amana dryer won’t stop running, the timer mechanism may be at fault. Fixing it is important to avoid any problems or safety hazards. Look out for these clues that show the timer may be defective:

If any of these occur, the timer mechanism is likely the culprit. Repairing or replacing faulty components requires caution and technical knowledge. It’s best to consult a professional technician.

Maintenance is key for avoiding costly repairs, and for smooth dryer operation.

Steps to repair or replace the timer mechanism

When it comes to Amana dryers, a malfunctioning timer mechanism can cause the dryer to not turn off. To fix the issue, take these steps:

  1. Unplug the dryer – First, disconnect the dryer from its power source. This is to stop the risk of electric shock.
  2. Check Components – Access the timing device and check each component to determine which one is not working. This includes testing all contacts for cool-down, high heat, low heat, and damp-dry cycles.
  3. Open Housing – Take apart the cabinet. Open the housing cover that holds the dial. Inside, you’ll find a series of gears which control the running time when you rotate the timer knob.
  4. Replace Bad Parts – Once you’ve found the parts that are not working, change them with new ones. This could be worn-out wires or damaged parts such as thermostat switches or timers.

Keep in mind that the steps for replacing the timer may differ between models. Read your appliance’s manual for details, or get help from a professional if you’re unsure.

Checking the Dryer Cycling Thermostat

If you’re having issues with your Amana dryer not turning off automatically, checking the dryer cycling thermostat is a great place to start. In this section, we’ll discuss how this essential part works and dive into the indications of a defective thermostat. We’ll also look at the steps you can take to either repair or replace the cycling thermostat, so you can confidently get your dryer back up and running in no time.

How the cycling thermostat works

The cycling thermostat is essential in an Amana dryer. It tells the heating element to turn off when the dryer reaches a certain temperature. This helps prevent clothes from getting damaged.

The thermostat measures the dryer drum temperature with a bimetallic strip. The strip bends and straightens depending on the temperature. When it’s too hot, it triggers a switch to shut off power to the heater. When it gets too cold, the strip closes and current flows into the heater.

A defective cycling thermostat could cause low or high temperatures in your dryer. Unusual smells or clothes coming out too hot or too cold could indicate a faulty thermostat.

To check, unplug your dryer, open the cabinet top, and locate the thermostat. Remove the wires and test for continuity with a multimeter. If you’re still suspicious, hire a professional electrician or appliance service technician. They can check other wiring components like fuses or circuit breakers. These parts can cause issues in other components, even if they’re working correctly.

Indications of a defective cycling thermostat

A cycling thermostat gone wrong can cause a lot of issues with an Amana dryer. It can mean the dryer won’t turn off or it ends cycles too soon. This leads to more energy being used and higher bills.

The cycling thermostat’s job is to keep the temperature inside the dryer drum during a cycle. If it’s not working, cycle times and turning off could be affected. Plus, the clothes may not dry properly due to the unstable temperature.

To find out if this is the problem, look for inconsistencies in drying time and if the dryer keeps running after the usual cycle time. No heat during the cycle and temp fluctuations also suggest a problem with the cycling thermostat.

It’s essential to sort this out ASAP. A defective cycling thermostat can damage other parts in the dryer in the long run. And it can make repairs extra expensive if it’s left for too long.

Don’t let a faulty cycling thermostat leave you in a lurch. Watch out for signs that it’s defective and take action to get it repaired or replaced.

Steps to repair or replace the cycling thermostat

Is your Amana Dryer refusing to turn off? The cycling thermostat might be to blame! It’s a crucial part in controlling the temperature inside the dryer drum. Here’s how to fix it:

  1. Unplug your dryer from the power source.
  2. Find the back panel and locate the cycling thermostat. Disconnect its wires.
  3. Use an ohmmeter to see if there’s continuity between the thermostat’s terminals.
  4. If there’s no continuity, remove the faulty part. Replace it with one that matches your model’s specs.
  5. Reconnect all the wires and panels. Make sure they fit securely.
  6. Plug your dryer back in. Test if it’s working properly.

Remember that cycling thermostats can look different depending on the manufacturer. So, double-check the user manual or seek expert help if you’re uncertain. By following these steps, you can fix the issue of your Amana Dryer not turning off automatically.

Checking the Dryer Moisture Sensor

If you’ve noticed that your Amana dryer isn’t turning off automatically, the moisture sensor could be the culprit! In this section, we’ll dig into how the moisture sensor works and the indications that it may be malfunctioning. We’ll also outline the steps you can take to repair or replace this essential component so you can get your dryer working like new again.

How the moisture sensor works

Moisture sensors are an essential part of Amana dryers. They detect moisture levels in the drum and signal the dryer to stop when clothes are dry. These sensors are located near the exhaust vent. They measure humidity levels and resistance between two metallic contacts. When wet items come into contact with these contacts, their electrical resistance decreases. This prompts the sensor to start an automatic drying cycle.

For the sensors to work accurately, variations in humidity inside the drum must be measured. Metallic strips near the exhaust vent detect changes in humidity. This triggers the sensor to initiate an automatic drying cycle when wet items come in contact with them.

To keep the sensors in good condition, regular maintenance is necessary. Clean the metallic strips after each cycle and wipe down non-moving parts regularly to remove lint buildup. This way, accurate drying results can be achieved.

In conclusion, taking good care of the moisture sensors in your Amana dryer ensures a hassle-free, reliable, and efficient laundry drying experience. Watch out for signs of a faulty sensor and perform maintenance on the metallic strips for optimal functioning of the dryer.

Indications of a malfunctioning moisture sensor

A malfunctioning moisture sensor in an Amana dryer can cause problems. It senses the level of moisture during the drying cycle. If it’s not working, the dryer may not shut off automatically.


It’s important to find the problem quickly, to avoid further damage. Get a qualified technician to inspect your dryer.

Pro Tip: Clean the lint trap to reduce humidity levels and help maintain optimal performance. Be aware of signs of a malfunctioning moisture sensor to prevent potential hazards.

Steps to repair or replace the moisture sensor

Moisture sensors are essential for Amana dryers. They make sure the appliance turns off when the clothes are dry. But, these sensors can break down. This can be dangerous or damage the dryer.

To repair or replace a malfunctioning moisture sensor:

  1. Unplug the dryer from the power source.
  2. Lift the lint filter and clean out any lint with a brush or vacuum.
  3. Find the moisture sensor. It’s usually near the door opening or the back of the dryer.

It can be hard to repair or replace a moisture sensor. Get help from a professional if you need it. If the moisture sensor doesn’t fix the problem, check other possibilities. These include clogged vents, bad control boards, and broken door switches. All of these could cause an Amana dryer to not turn off. Possessed by a ghost? These other causes may have you calling the Ghostbusters!

Other Possible Causes of Amana Dryer Not Turning off Automatically

If you’re like most people, you rely on your Amana dryer to automatically turn off when your clothes are dry. But what do you do when it doesn’t? This section takes a closer look at the other possible causes of your Amana dryer not turning off automatically, including:

  1. a clogged dryer vent
  2. faulty control board
  3. broken door switch

Understanding these potential issues can help you troubleshoot and ultimately fix the problem, so you can get back to worry-free drying.

Clogged dryer vent

If your Amana dryer won’t turn off, it could be due to a clogged vent. This is a major inconvenience. It happens when lint, dirt, and other debris block the vent hose, which reduces air flow and makes an inadequate drying cycle. The thermostat can’t read proper signals or readings, so it won’t turn off. Low air circulation can also damage clothes and use more energy.

To address the issue, check for blockages in the vent. This can be done with tools, or you can call a professional if needed. Also, remember a clogged vent is a fire hazard. It can’t remove moisture and generates heat. Cleaning and maintenance prevent these situations.

If the vent is clear and the dryer still won’t turn off, it could be the control board. Call a professional for help. Regular maintenance and checking for blockages are essential for safe and efficient use of your dryer.

Faulty control board

Having a dryer that won’t turn off? It could be a faulty control board. That board manages the dryer’s functions, taking input from sensors and thermostats. Malfunctioning boards can cause issues like not stopping at the end of the cycle or wrong temperature. Plus, it can mess with the moisture sensor system, leading to longer drying times.

Find an experienced technician to help. Fiddling with the board without knowing what you’re doing is risky, and can hurt other parts. Don’t wait! Get help now by booking an appointment with a repair pro.

Also, your dryer door switch may need fixing. Contact a technician for this, too.

Broken door switch

Is your Amana dryer not turning off? It might be due to a broken door switch! This prevents the dryer from sensing the open/closed door. Replacing the switch can be complicated and risky. It’s best to get a pro to do it.

Safety is key. Never handle electrical components if you’re inexperienced. Injury or even death can result.

When to call a pro? Look out for these signs: won’t turn off due to broken door switch. The benefits of getting a pro? Safety and the assurance of a job done right.

Amana Dryer Not Turning off Automatically: When to Call a Professional

If your Amana dryer is not turning off automatically, it could be a sign of a bigger problem. Don’t ignore it! In this section, we’ll discuss when it’s necessary to call a professional for help. We’ll go over some common signs that indicate the need for expert attention, as well as the benefits of hiring a professional. Don’t let a malfunctioning dryer take a toll on your daily comfort and safety.

Signs that indicate the need for professional help

Issues with an Amana Dryer Not Turning off Automatically require professional help. Signs like the dryer running despite being unplugged, electrical shocks, or the absence of the timer’s sound, are all indications to seek assistance from a skilled technician.

Also, if you are unable to fix the problem by replacing or repairing components, or your dryer won’t start or emits strange odors, a professional is necessary.

It is important to prioritize safety and follow procedures when dealing with this issue. A technician can diagnose the problem and recommend repairs or replacements without risking your safety.

Benefits of hiring a professional

Hiring a professional can be beneficial when tackling an issue as troublesome as an Amana dryer not turning off.

The perks of hiring an expert include:

It’s essential to remember that a faulty dryer can cause fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. Taking prompt action with the assistance of a professional is essential to prevent further damage.


Amana dryers not switching off automatically is a common issue. This results in wasted energy and a higher risk of fire. The problem may be caused by a bad timer, broken thermostat, or a faulty heating element.

To fix it, check if the timer works on a timed cycle. If it’s broken, replace it with a new one. Another cause may be a broken thermostat, that can’t register when the clothes are dry. Replace it too.

A broken heating element may also result in the dryer running continuously. Replace it. This should be done quickly to avoid more damage to the dryer, or even a fire.

In short, if the Amana dryer doesn’t turn off, it could be due to a faulty timer, broken thermostat, or broken heating element. To fix this, check the functionality of these components and get them replaced by a professional.

FAQs about Amana Dryer Not Turning Off Automatically

Why is my Amana dryer not turning off automatically?

There could be a few different reasons why your Amana dryer isn’t shutting off automatically. One possibility is a faulty timer or control board. Another potential culprit is a malfunctioning moisture sensor. A clogged vent or exhaust system could also be the issue.

How do I check the moisture sensor on my Amana dryer?

To check the moisture sensor on your Amana dryer, you’ll need to access the sensor and use a multimeter to test for continuity. If the sensor is functioning properly, it should show continuity when the dryer is dry and no continuity when the dryer is damp. If the sensor is faulty, it will need to be replaced.

What should I do if my Amana dryer’s timer is broken?

If your Amana dryer’s timer is broken, you’ll need to replace it. You can order a replacement timer from Amana or a third-party appliance parts retailer. Make sure to consult your dryer’s owner’s manual or a repair guide for instructions on how to install the new timer.

Could a clogged vent cause my Amana dryer to not turn off automatically?

Yes, a clogged vent or exhaust system could cause your Amana dryer to not turn off automatically. When the vent or exhaust is blocked, it can cause the dryer to overheat and the moisture sensor may not function properly. Make sure to clean your dryer’s vent and exhaust system regularly to prevent this issue.

Can I fix my Amana dryer’s control board myself?

Fixing your Amana dryer’s control board yourself can be difficult and requires some technical knowledge. If you’re not comfortable working with electronics, it’s recommended to hire a professional to repair the control board. However, if you have experience with electronics and access to the proper tools, you may be able to replace the faulty components and fix the control board yourself.

What should I do if my Amana dryer still won’t turn off after trying these solutions?

If your Amana dryer still won’t turn off automatically after trying the solutions above, it may be time to call a professional appliance repair service. A technician can diagnose the issue and recommend the best course of action, whether that’s repairing or replacing the dryer.

SmartHomeBit Staff