Black Spot on iPhone Screen: Causes, Fixes, and Prevention Measures

By SmartHomeBit Staff •  Updated: 07/08/23 •  17 min read

Black spots on iPhone screens can be a frustrating issue for many users. In this section, we will provide an overview of the problem and discuss why it is important to address these black spots. By understanding the significance of this issue, you will be better equipped to troubleshoot and resolve the problem, ensuring a seamless user experience with your iPhone.

Overview of the problem

Black spots on iPhone screens are a common problem. They can be caused by LCD screen damage, software issues, liquid damage, or even dirty fingers or moisture build up. It’s important to tackle these black spots as they can affect user experience and obscure important information on the screen.

LCD screen damage is one of the main causes. This can happen due to physical impact or pressure applied to the screen, creating damaged pixels. Software issues can also lead to black spots, where some areas may not display properly because of bugs or glitches in the OS. Liquid damage is another factor that can cause black spots, especially if water or any other liquid penetrates the internal components. Furthermore, dirty fingers or moisture build up on the screen can create smudges and marks that appear as black spots.

There are DIY solutions available. Troubleshooting guides can help identify and resolve minor software issues causing black spots. Stuck pixel fixes can address single black spots caused by pixel malfunctioning. Software updates provided by Apple can also help resolve known bugs and glitches that may be causing black spots. Cleaning the screen regularly with appropriate cleaning solutions can remove dirt, fingerprints, and moisture build up contributing to black spots.

If DIY solutions are not effective or feasible, professional solutions should be considered. Service centers and Apple Stores have experienced technicians who can diagnose and repair more complex issues causing black spots. In some cases, a screen replacement may be needed if the LCD itself is damaged beyond repair. The technicians have special tools and techniques to fix LCD screen issues like dead pixels that cause black spots.

To prevent future occurrences of black spots, use screen protectors as they provide an extra layer of protection. Proper handling and care, such as avoiding extreme temperatures or dropping it, can also help. Regular software updates are essential to keep the device running smoothly and minimize the chance of software-related black spots.

Addressing black spots on iPhone screens is just as important as finding the perfect avocado – it’s all about the display quality and preventing the slightest inconvenience from ruining your tech experience.

Significance of addressing black spots on iPhone screens

Addressing black spots on iPhone screens is very important. They can negatively affect the user experience. Poor visibility and difficulty viewing content can hinder device performance. So, it’s key to identify and fix the spots.

Various causes can lead to black spots. LCD screen damage, software issues, liquid damage, or dirt and moisture build-up. Specific solutions are required to address each issue. Knowing the cause is helpful for taking the right action to restore the screen.

Do-it-yourself (DIY) solutions and professional services are available. Troubleshooting guides provide instructions for common issues. Stuck pixel fixes and software updates can help too. But if none of this works, it may be best to seek help from service centers or Apple Stores.

Causes of Black Spots on iPhone Screens

Black spots on iPhone screens can be frustrating and concerning. In this section, we will explore the various causes behind these annoying black spots. From LCD screen damage to software issues, liquid damage, and dirty fingers or moisture build up, we will delve into each potential culprit. By identifying the root cause, we can better understand how to prevent and address these pesky black spots on our iPhone screens.

LCD screen damage

Black spots on an iPhone screen can happen due to LCD damage. This can occur when the device gets a physical shock, like dropping it or pressing too hard on the screen. This can cause cracks, which change how the pixels work, resulting in black spots. Long exposure to high temperatures or sunlight can also damage the LCD.

Sometimes, the LCD damage isn’t visible from the outside but can still affect the display quality. This could be from issues with the transistors or other components controlling pixel illumination. These kinds of problems need a professional to fix.

It is important to remember that LCD damage is different from software or liquid damage. Trying out solutions like cleaning or troubleshooting may help with software issues or moisture build-up, but won’t fix LCD damage. For this, it’s best to take the device to an Apple Store or an authorized service center, to ensure the iPhone works properly and looks great.

Software issue

Software issues can be a cause of black spots on iPhone screens. It may be due to:

Other factors may also cause the black spots. Keep your iPhone up-to-date to tackle software-related problems.

Liquid damage

If liquid has entered your iPhone screen, act fast! Turn it off and gently pat it dry with a clean cloth. No heat sources like a hair dryer though! Use a microfiber cloth or lens cleaning solution to wipe away residue.

Check for discoloration, dead pixels, or other abnormalities that may need professional help. Don’t forget that liquid damage can affect other internal components too.

If DIY attempts don’t work, get professional help from Apple Store technicians. They can diagnose and repair any underlying issues. Act fast to increase your chances of resolving black spots caused by liquid damage on your iPhone screen!

Dirty fingers or moisture build up

Keep your iPhone’s screen clean and dry for optimal performance! Regularly clean the screen with a microfiber cloth to prevent dirty fingers or moisture build up from causing black spots. Avoid using your device with wet hands or in humid environments. Consider using a protective case and avoiding contact with liquids. Take preventive measures and address any signs of dirt and moisture quickly. Ignoring these issues could lead to more severe problems, such as permanent display damage or touch malfunctioning. Fixing black spots on your phone’s screen is like trying to erase a smudge from a Picasso painting on a budget!

DIY Solutions for Fixing Black Spots

Discover efficient DIY solutions to fix those bothersome black spots on your iPhone screen. In this section, we will provide you with a troubleshooting guide to identify the root cause of the issue and offer a stuck pixel fix that could come in handy. Additionally, we will explore how a software update might help resolve the problem and share tips on effectively cleaning the screen to restore its pristine condition. Get ready to bid farewell to those pesky black spots!

Troubleshooting guide

Troubleshoot black spots on iPhone screens with this guide! Follow the instructions to identify and fix the issue without needing professional help.

  1. Check for physical damage to the LCD screen. If cracked or scratched, a screen replacement might be necessary.
  2. See if this is software-related. Update iPhone to the latest version. Older software could cause black spots.
  3. Clean the screen with a microfiber cloth and mild cleaning solution. Dirty fingers or moisture can lead to black spots.
  4. A stuck pixel might be the cause. Use a tool or app to rapidly change colors on the affected area.
  5. Seek professional solutions if these steps don’t help. Service centers and Apple Stores can diagnose and fix hardware issues.

Remember to be careful when attempting DIY solutions! With this troubleshooting guide, users can figure out what’s causing black spots and if they need further help.

Stuck pixel fix

Addressing stuck pixels on an iPhone screen is important. These are pixels that stay black and do not change color, causing frustration. To fix them, follow these steps:

  1. Power off the device.
  2. Gently apply pressure with a finger or soft cloth.
  3. Use a pixel repair app from the App Store.
  4. Apply gentle heat with a hairdryer.
  5. Repeat if needed.

Patience is key. Multiple attempts might be necessary. Handle the iPhone carefully and avoid causing damage.

Software update

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Tap “General”.
  3. Select “Software Update”.
  4. Tap “Download and Install” if an update is available.
  5. Follow the prompts to install the latest version.

Doing regular updates can help prevent black spots from appearing on your screen. Updates often include bug fixes and improvements for display-related issues.

But, remember that software updates can’t fix hardware-related problems like LCD screen damage or liquid damage. In such cases, you may need professional assistance to fix the black spots.

Clean your screen regularly. It’s like performing surgery on a dirty fingerprint crime scene!

Cleaning the screen

  1. [Step 1] Switch off your iPhone and detach any cords.
  2. [Step 2] Gently rub the screen with a soft, lint-free cloth. Don’t use anything rough or harsh chemicals – they could hurt the screen.
  3. [Step 3] For tough stains or fingerprints, wet a microfiber cloth with water or a mild screen cleaning solution. Too much moisture can damage the device.
  4. [Step 4] Wipe the screen in circular motions with gentle pressure to remove dirt and residue. Don’t let liquid enter the device’s openings.

Regular cleaning prevents accumulation of dirt that can hurt the display. Cleaning techniques must be done properly to get the best performance and make the screen last longer.

Different iPhone models have different cleaning instructions. Check Apple’s official documentation or ask their support team for the right way to clean your device.

Fact: According to Apple Support, only use a soft, lint-free cloth to clean iPhone screens as harsh materials can scratch and harm them.

Want to say goodbye to those black spots? Ask an expert to do it instead!

Professional Solutions for Fixing Black Spots

Looking to fix those pesky black spots on your iPhone screen? Look no further! In this section, we’ll explore professional solutions for addressing this issue. We’ll discuss the options available at service centers and Apple Stores, explore the process of screen replacement, and delve into fixing LCD screen issues. Get ready to bid those black spots goodbye!

Service centers and Apple Store

Scary black spots on your iPhone screen? Service centers and the Apple Store have the solution! They have highly trained technicians who can identify the cause, whether it’s LCD damage, liquid damage, software issues, or dirty fingers/moisture build-up.

They provide troubleshooting guides to help users resolve common issues on their own. Plus, software updates can address certain underlying software issues causing black spots. If the issue persists, they offer screen replacement services with genuine parts to maintain the device’s integrity.

Customer satisfaction is a priority for service centers and Apple Store. They offer preventive measures to avoid future occurrences, like recommending screen protectors and educating customers about proper device care and handling. Regular software updates are also recommended. In this way, they aim to enhance user experience with their iPhones.

Screen replacement

To troubleshoot the issue, it is vital to check for any software problems or liquid damage that could be causing the black spots on the iPhone screen. If it persists, screen replacement may be a great solution. Seeking professional help from authorized service centers or Apple Stores is recommended for expert advice and assistance in replacing the screen.

The process typically involves removing the damaged screen and carefully installing a new one. Trained technicians with experience in iPhone screens do the replacements. After the screen replacement, it’s suggested to test the device to make sure the black spots have gone and the display works properly.

Each iPhone model may have different needs for screen replacement, so it’s wise to consult professionals for a correct diagnosis and right solutions. Screen replacement can effectively address black spots on iPhone screens and restore ideal display quality without affecting the device’s other features.

Fixing LCD screen issues

Black spots on iPhone screens can be annoying. However, there are ways to fix them. To restore the phone’s functionality and visual quality, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the issue. This could be physical damage or software-related. Run diagnostics and check for signs of damage.
  2. Seek help from a service center or an authorized Apple Store. Their technicians specialize in repairing iPhone screens and can provide expert assistance.
  3. Replace the screen. If other repair methods have failed, or if the damage is severe, replacing the entire screen is the best solution. A new screen will ensure optimal performance and eliminate any black spots.

It’s important to remember that DIY repairs without proper knowledge or expertise can cause further damage. Professional help should be sought when needed.

Preventive Measures and Additional Considerations

Concerned about that pesky black spot on your iPhone screen? This section explores preventive measures and additional considerations to ensure your device stays in top-notch condition. Discover the benefits of using screen protectors, effective handling techniques, and the importance of regular software updates. By implementing these tips, you can safeguard your iPhone screen and enjoy a seamless user experience. So, let’s dive in and learn how to keep that black spot at bay!

Using screen protectors

Screen protectors for iPhones are a trendy addition! They give a thin sheet of material to prevent scratches, smudges and other harm. Using them can extend the lifespan of your iPhone’s screen and keep it looking clear.

Proper care, like using screen protectors, will keep your iPhone screen clean. Plus, you won’t have that heart-dropping moment when you drop it in the loo!

Proper handling and care

Taking care of your iPhone screen is essential to avoid black spots. Follow these steps to ensure its longevity and performance:

Additionally, keep the software up-to-date to benefit from bug fixes and security enhancements. With proactive maintenance, you’ll ensure proper handling and care for your iPhone’s screen.

Regular software updates

Regular software updates are a must-have! You’ll get a notification when one’s available. Tap on it and follow the instructions. For best results, make sure your iPhone is connected to Wi-Fi and has enough battery.

These updates help with compatibility issues that may occur with third-party apps and hardware. Developers often update their apps – Apple updates may be needed too. Keep your software up-to-date and you’ll avoid potential conflicts or malfunctions.

Plus, security patches are included in these updates. They protect your iPhone from malware and other threats. With cyber attacks becoming more sophisticated, it’s vital to install the latest security updates.

Pro Tip: Set up automatic software updates to never miss one. Go to Settings > General > Software Update > Customize Automatic Updates, and switch on the toggle. This way, your iPhone will automatically update itself when connected to Wi-Fi and charging overnight.


The black spot on an iPhone screen is a concerning issue. It may be due to hardware or software issues. It’s crucial to identify the cause before acting. Ignoring it can lead to more complications.

If it’s physical damage, replacing the screen is best. If it’s software, updating or resetting may help. Checking for third-party apps or settings can also help. Seeking professional assistance or going to a service center is recommended.

Finally, in conclusion, black spots on an iPhone screen must be addressed promptly to avoid further issues.

FAQs about Black Spot On Iphone Screen

What causes black spots on an iPhone screen?

Black spots on iPhone screens can be caused by various factors, including physical damage from dropping the phone, hard impacts, overheating, software bugs, or manufacturing defects. They can also occur due to LCD bleed, dead pixels, or a scratch or chip in the screen exposing the underlying LCD panel.

Can black spots on an iPhone screen be fixed?

Yes, black spots on an iPhone screen can be fixed. Depending on the cause and extent of the damage, solutions could include cleaning the screen with a soft cloth or rubbing alcohol, running a software update, using a heat gun (with caution), or replacing the screen. It is recommended to seek professional help for screen repair or replacement if the DIY methods do not work.

How much does it cost to fix black spots on an iPhone screen?

The cost of fixing black spots on an iPhone screen can range from $50 to $150, depending on the extent of the damage and the repair service provider. Prices may vary, and it is advisable to contact a professional smartphone repair store or an Apple Store to get an accurate estimate.

Can dead pixels be fixed on an iPhone screen?

Dead pixels on an iPhone screen may go away on their own, but there is no specific timeline for it. The most reliable way to fix dead pixels is to replace the screen. If the phone is under warranty, contacting the manufacturer’s support may result in a free or partially covered screen replacement.

Are there any DIY methods to remove black spots or dead pixels on an iPhone screen?

For software-related issues like dead pixels, users can try restarting the phone, updating the device software, or using “stuck pixel fix” videos. However, for physical damage or hardware-related issues, it is recommended to seek professional help to avoid causing further damage to the screen.

Where can I find professional smartphone repair stores to fix black spots on my iPhone screen?

There are professional smartphone repair stores available in various locations, such as ThePhoneLab in Amsterdam, Utrecht, and Haarlem in the Netherlands. These stores offer screen replacement services, and appointments can be made through their websites.

SmartHomeBit Staff