Understanding the Snapchat Device Ban and Its Implications

By SmartHomeBit Staff •  Updated: 09/04/23 •  30 min read

The Snapchat Device Ban has sparked concerns among users, as it restricts access to the popular social media platform on certain devices. Understanding the reasons behind this ban is crucial in order to navigate its implications and find alternative solutions.

Snapchat has implemented this ban to address various issues related to security, compatibility, and performance optimization. By banning certain devices, Snapchat aims to ensure a safe and seamless user experience. The potential reasons for the device ban include security concerns, compatibility issues, and the need for performance optimization.

The ban affects users by limiting their ability to access Snapchat, impacting their social interactions and online presence. However, there are steps that users can take if their device is banned, such as exploring alternative platforms or considering device updates.

To avoid the Snapchat device ban, users should prioritize keeping their operating systems and apps updated, checking device compatibility, and adhering to Snapchat’s terms and policies. By staying informed and proactive, users can navigate the device ban and continue to engage with their digital communities effectively.

Table of Contents

What is the Snapchat Device Ban?

The Snapchat Device Ban refers to a policy implemented by Snapchat to restrict or prohibit the use of its app on specific devices or operating systems.

When Snapchat imposes a device ban, it means that users with those devices or operating systems are unable to download, install, or access the Snapchat app. This can be due to various reasons, such as compatibility issues, security concerns, or the need to focus resources on supporting newer devices.

The Snapchat Device Ban is typically announced by Snapchat through official channels or notifications within the app. Users affected by the ban may receive notifications informing them that their device or operating system is no longer supported.

It is important for users to stay updated with the latest information from Snapchat regarding device compatibility and any potential bans. This will help ensure that users can continue to enjoy the Snapchat app on devices that are compatible and supported by the platform.

Why Is Snapchat Banning Some Devices?

Snapchat is banning some devices for the following reasons:

  1. Outdated Software: Snapchat may ban devices that are running on outdated operating systems or software versions. This is because older software may not support the latest security features and updates required by Snapchat.
  2. Performance Limitations: Some devices may not meet the minimum performance requirements set by Snapchat. This could be due to limited processing power, insufficient memory, or other hardware limitations that hinder the app’s smooth functioning.
  3. Incompatibility: Snapchat may ban devices that are not compatible with the latest features and functionalities of the app. This could be due to hardware limitations or technical constraints that prevent the proper functioning of certain Snapchat features.
  4. Security Concerns: Snapchat prioritizes user privacy and data security. If a device is found to have security vulnerabilities or poses a risk to user data, Snapchat may ban it to protect its user base from potential threats.
  5. Enhanced User Experience: By banning some devices, Snapchat aims to ensure a consistent and optimal user experience for its users. Banning devices that are not capable of running the app smoothly helps maintain the overall performance and usability of Snapchat.

It’s important for Snapchat users to keep their devices up to date with the latest software versions and meet the necessary hardware requirements to avoid being banned from using the app.

What Devices are Being Banned by Snapchat?

These devices do not meet the minimum requirements set by Snapchat for compatibility and performance optimization. By banning these devices, Snapchat aims to ensure a better user experience and maintain the security of its platform. The specific criteria used by Snapchat for the device ban include factors such as operating system compatibility, processing power, and available memory.

Users who have these banned devices will be unable to download or update the Snapchat app, and they will not be able to use the app effectively. In order to continue using Snapchat, users with banned devices have a few options. They can either update or upgrade their devices to meet the minimum requirements set by Snapchat, or they can switch to alternative platforms that are compatible with their devices.

It is important for users to be aware of the device requirements and regularly check for updates to avoid being affected by the Snapchat device ban. Following Snapchat’s terms and policies and staying informed about the compatibility of their devices can help users avoid any disruptions in using the app.

What Criteria is Snapchat Using for the Device Ban?

Snapchat is utilizing specific criteria to enforce the device ban in order to ensure the best user experience and maintain the security of its platform. The criteria take into account device specifications and compatibility with the operating system. Snapchat has established minimum requirements for devices to guarantee optimal performance and functionality. These requirements encompass various aspects such as the device’s processing power, memory capacity, and graphics capabilities. It is vital for the operating system version to meet Snapchat’s standards to ensure that it is compatible with the app’s features and updates.

Snapchat’s criteria for the device ban also address security concerns. Older devices or operating systems might possess vulnerabilities that could potentially compromise user data or privacy. By implementing a ban on such devices, Snapchat aims to safeguard its users against possible security breaches.

To enhance performance optimization, Snapchat may exclude devices that are unable to efficiently handle the app’s features. This approach ensures that users can fully enjoy the entire range of functions offered by Snapchat without encountering any lag or crashes.

Users should be aware of Snapchat’s criteria for the device ban in order to comprehend why their own device might be affected. They can verify compatibility by checking the device specifications and operating system requirements on Snapchat’s official website. In the event that their device is banned, users have the option to consider upgrading to a newer device that meets the established criteria or reach out to Snapchat support for further assistance.

What are the Potential Reasons for the Snapchat Device Ban?

Curious about the potential reasons for the Snapchat device ban? Let’s dive right in! From security concerns to compatibility issues and performance optimization, this section will unravel the key factors behind this decision. We’ll explore how these aspects intertwine, shedding light on the motivations behind the ban. So, get ready to uncover the driving forces shaping the fate of Snapchat on certain devices.

Security Concerns

Security concerns surrounding the Snapchat device ban are of significant importance. With the ban, Snapchat aims to ensure the safety and privacy of its users. By prohibiting certain devices, the platform reduces the risk of potential security breaches and unauthorized access to user accounts.

These security concerns include the possibility of hacking, data leaks, and the compromise of personal information.

Snapchat’s enforcement of the ban helps to mitigate these security threats and maintain a secure environment for its users. By restricting access to the platform on devices that do not meet their security standards, Snapchat can effectively protect users from potential vulnerabilities.

To address these security concerns, users should be vigilant about keeping their devices updated with the latest operating systems and security patches. This reduces the risk of exploitation of known security vulnerabilities. Users should regularly review and follow Snapchat’s terms and policies, which are designed to protect user privacy and security.

By prioritizing security concerns, Snapchat demonstrates its commitment to maintaining a safe and secure platform for its users. Users can trust that their personal information is being safeguarded and that their Snapchat experience remains free from potential security breaches.

Compatibility Issues

When using Snapchat, compatibility issues can arise on certain devices. These issues can result in a lack of functionality or even inability to access the app altogether. It is crucial to be aware of these compatibility issues when using Snapchat.

To avoid compatibility issues with Snapchat, it is essential to ensure that your device meets the required specifications and is running the latest compatible software version. Regularly updating your operating system and Snapchat app can help ensure compatibility and access to all the features the platform has to offer.

Performance Optimization

Performance optimization is a significant aspect of the Snapchat device ban. In order to ensure a smooth and efficient user experience, Snapchat has implemented certain measures to optimize the performance of the app on different devices.

By prioritizing performance optimization, Snapchat aims to provide a seamless and enjoyable user experience for its users while maintaining the app’s functionality and performance standards.

How Does the Snapchat Device Ban Affect Users?

Curious about the implications of the Snapchat device ban on users? Let’s dive in and explore how this restriction affects the Snapchat community. We’ll discuss the alternatives available to Snapchat users and shed light on the importance of updating or upgrading devices in response to this ban. Strap in as we unravel the impact of this controversial decision and explore the paths users can take amidst these changes.

Alternatives to Snapchat

When searching for alternatives to Snapchat, there are various options available that offer similar features and functionality.

These alternatives provide a variety of options for users seeking a platform to connect and share with friends. Each app possesses unique features and a user base, enabling users to select the one that best suits their preferences and needs.

Updating or Upgrading Devices

When it comes to avoiding the Snapchat device ban, updating or upgrading your devices can be a solution. Follow these steps to ensure your devices are up-to-date:

  1. Check for software updates regularly. Operating system updates often include bug fixes, security patches, and improvements that can enhance device compatibility with Snapchat.
  2. Enable automatic app updates. This will ensure that you have the latest version of Snapchat installed on your device, which can help prevent compatibility issues.
  3. Consider upgrading your device if it is no longer supported by Snapchat. Older devices may not meet the minimum system requirements necessary to run the app smoothly.
  4. Before upgrading, check the device compatibility list provided by Snapchat. This list can help you determine if your device is capable of running the app effectively.
  5. Follow Snapchat’s terms and policies. Make sure you are using the app within the guidelines set by Snapchat to avoid any potential issues or violations.

By keeping your devices updated and ensuring compatibility with Snapchat, you can minimize the risk of being affected by the Snapchat device ban. Take proactive steps to stay informed about software updates and device requirements to enjoy uninterrupted access to the app.

What Should Users Do to Avoid the Snapchat Device Ban?

To ensure a smooth Snapchat experience and avoid the dreaded device ban, there are key actions users should take. From staying updated with operating systems and app versions to checking device compatibility, and abiding by Snapchat’s terms and policies, this section will guide you on safeguarding your Snapchat usage. Embrace these simple practices and stay connected with your friends and favorite snaps without interruptions or limitations. Get ready to unleash your Snapchat skills with confidence!

Keeping Operating Systems and Apps Updated

Keeping your operating system and apps updated is crucial in order to avoid the Snapchat device ban and ensure a smooth user experience. Here are the essential steps to follow:

  1. Regularly check for system updates: Stay informed about the latest software updates released by your operating system provider, whether it’s iOS or Android. Updating your system guarantees that you have the most recent security patches and performance enhancements.
  2. Enable automatic updates: Activate the automatic update feature on your device to ensure that you receive prompt notifications and install the latest software updates as soon as they become available. This practice helps in keeping your device compatible with Snapchat and prevents any potential issues.
  3. Update the Snapchat app: Visit the respective app store for your device and check for any available updates for the Snapchat app. By keeping the app updated, you can access the latest features, bug fixes, and security improvements.

By diligently following these steps and keeping your operating systems and apps updated, you can minimize the risk of facing the Snapchat device ban and enjoy a seamless Snapchat experience.

Checking Device Compatibility

When it comes to checking device compatibility for Snapchat, there are a few important factors to consider:

  1. Operating system: To effectively check device compatibility for Snapchat, ensure that your device is running on a compatible operating system. Snapchat requires a certain version of iOS or Android to function properly. Check the app’s requirements and make sure your device meets them.
  2. RAM and processing power: Checking device compatibility for Snapchat also involves reviewing the device’s RAM and processing power. Snapchat is a resource-intensive app, so it requires a device with sufficient RAM and processing power to run smoothly. Make sure your device meets the minimum requirements for a seamless Snapchat experience.
  3. Camera quality: Another aspect to consider when checking device compatibility for Snapchat is the camera quality. Snapchat heavily relies on camera functionality, so having a higher quality camera will provide better image and video quality. Check if your device has a camera that meets the app’s specifications to use all available features.
  4. Storage space: In order to check device compatibility for Snapchat, it is crucial to take into account the device’s storage space. Snapchat uses a significant amount of storage space, especially if you use it frequently. Therefore, ensure that your device has enough free space to accommodate the app and its data.

By considering these factors and ensuring your device meets the requirements, you can effectively check device compatibility for Snapchat and optimize your experience on the app.

Following Snapchat’s Terms and Policies

Following Snapchat’s Terms and Policies is essential to avoid any issues or violations on the platform. Here are the steps to ensure compliance:

Read and familiarize yourself with Snapchat’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. These documents outline the rules and regulations that users need to follow.
Keep your operating system and Snapchat app updated. Regular updates often include security patches and bug fixes, ensuring a safer user experience.
Check the compatibility of your device with Snapchat. Some older devices may not meet the minimum requirements to run the app smoothly.
Respect the guidelines regarding content restrictions. Avoid sharing explicit, violent, or illegal content that violates Snapchat’s policies.
Be aware of the duration and scope of temporary bans. If your account is banned, wait for the ban period to expire to regain access.
In case of a banned device, consider identifying a safe device to use or contacting Snapchat support for assistance.
Never share your login information or engage in suspicious activities that may compromise your account security.
Report any violations or prohibited content encountered on the platform to ensure a safe and positive environment for all users.

What Can Users Do if Their Device is Banned?

If you find yourself facing a device ban on Snapchat, don’t panic! There are several options available to get back in the game. From identifying a safe device to contacting Snapchat support, we’ll explore the different routes you can take to overcome this hurdle. Whether it’s switching SIM cards or waiting for the ban period to expire, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and discover the solutions that’ll have you snapping again in no time.

Identifying a Safe Device to Use

When it comes to the important task of identifying a safe device to use in relation to the Snapchat device ban, there are several key considerations that should be kept in mind.

  1. Ensure that the device meets the minimum requirements set by Snapchat for a safe user experience. This includes having a compatible operating system (such as iOS 10 or Android 5.0 and above) and sufficient storage space for the Snapchat app.
  2. Check for any known security vulnerabilities or issues with the device to ensure its safety. Conducting online research on forums or contacting the device manufacturer can provide valuable information regarding any reported breaches or concerns.
  3. Giving due regard to the reputation and reliability of the device brand is crucial. It is advisable to stick to well-known and reputable manufacturers who have established a track record of producing devices that are safe and secure.
  4. If necessary, consider upgrading to a newer device that meets Snapchat’s requirements. If your current device is not compatible with Snapchat or raises security concerns, investing in a newer model may be the best course of action.
  5. It is essential to regularly update the device’s operating system and apps. By ensuring your software is up to date, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have the latest security patches and bug fixes installed.
  6. If you are unsure about the safety of your device for use with Snapchat, it is highly recommended to consult with Snapchat’s customer support. Their guidance and clarification can provide reassurance and clear any doubts you may have.

By following these steps diligently and taking the necessary precautions, you can successfully identify a safe device to use with Snapchat and minimize any potential risks associated with the device ban.

Switching SIM Cards to a Different Device

  1. When faced with the Snapchat device ban, users may consider switching their SIM cards to a different device as a possible solution.
  2. Here are the steps to follow:
    1. Check if your current device is banned by Snapchat.
    2. Obtain a compatible device that is not affected by the ban.
    3. Remove the SIM card from your banned device.
    4. Insert the SIM card into the new device.
    5. Ensure that the new device meets all of Snapchat’s requirements and is compatible with the app.
    6. Download and install the Snapchat app on the new device.
    7. Log in to your Snapchat account using your existing credentials.
    8. Verify that all your contacts and settings have been transferred successfully to the new device.
    9. Resume using Snapchat on the new device, taking care to adhere to Snapchat’s terms and policies to avoid future bans.
  3. Switching SIM cards to a different device allows users to continue using Snapchat without restrictions on a device that is not affected by the ban. It is important to note that this solution might not be feasible for all users, depending on individual circumstances and device compatibility.

Contacting Snapchat Support

When encountering issues related to the Snapchat device ban, users can reach out to Snapchat support for assistance. Here are the necessary steps to contact Snapchat support:

  1. Visit the Snapchat support website
  2. Navigate to the “Contact Us” or “Help Center” section to access the various support options
  3. Fill out the required information to submit a support request
  4. Include all relevant details about the device ban and any error messages that may have been received
  5. Attach screenshots or other evidence that can help illustrate the issue
  6. Await a response from the Snapchat support team
  7. Follow any instructions or solutions provided by the support team
  8. Keep the communication with Snapchat support ongoing until the issue is successfully resolved

It is essential to get in touch with Snapchat support when dealing with a device ban, as they have the necessary expertise to address user concerns and offer guidance on potential solutions. By following the outlined steps above, users can effectively seek assistance and resolve issues related to the Snapchat device ban.

Waiting for the Ban Period to Expire

Waiting for the ban period to expire is one of the options users have if their device is banned by Snapchat. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Check the ban period: Snapchat usually specifies the duration of the ban. Take note of when the ban started and when it is expected to end.
  2. Abide by the ban: During the ban period, avoid attempting to access Snapchat using the banned device. Continuing to use the device may result in additional consequences.
  3. Use alternate devices: If possible, use a different device that is not banned to access Snapchat and continue using the app during the ban period.
  4. Stay updated on Snapchat’s policies: Regularly check Snapchat’s terms and policies to ensure compliance. This can prevent future bans and violations.
  5. Use the ban period to review content: While waiting for the ban period to expire, take the opportunity to review your previous content and behavior on Snapchat. Ensure that they align with the platform’s guidelines to avoid future bans.

By patiently waiting for the ban period to expire and adhering to Snapchat’s policies, users have the opportunity to regain access to their accounts and continue using the app.

Creating a New Account

To create a new account on Snapchat, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Snapchat app from your device’s app store.
  2. Open the Snapchat app and select “Sign Up.
  3. Enter your first and last name.
  4. Create a unique username that is not already taken.
  5. Create a strong password that includes a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.
  6. Enter your email address or phone number for account verification and password recovery.
  7. Complete the captcha or verification process if prompted.
  8. Agree to the terms and conditions and privacy policy.
  9. Choose your birthday to verify your age.
  10. Verify your email or phone number by following the instructions sent to you.
  11. Set up your profile by adding a profile picture and personalizing your display name.
  12. Start adding friends by searching for their usernames or syncing your contacts.
  13. Explore Snapchat’s features and start sharing photos and videos with your friends.

Risks associated with the Snapchat Device Ban

With the recent Snapchat device ban, there are a range of risks that users need to be aware of. From getting locked out or having accounts deleted, to dealing with frustrating error messages, and even the potential for sharing private information and experiencing suspicious activity. The consequences can be severe – including permanent account bans. Stay informed, as we explore the potential risks associated with the Snapchat device ban and how to navigate these challenges.

Locked Out or Deleted Account

If users find themselves locked out or with a deleted account on Snapchat, they may experience a range of potential reasons for this situation.

  1. Account Violations: When users violate Snapchat’s terms of service or community guidelines, their account may be locked or deleted. Violations can consist of sharing inappropriate content, engaging in harassment, or participating in illegal activities on the platform.
  2. Suspicious Activity: Snapchat reserves the right to lock or delete accounts if they detect suspicious or unauthorized activity. This includes the use of third-party apps or behaviors that contradict Snapchat’s policies.
  3. Security Concerns: There are instances where Snapchat decides to lock or delete accounts due to security concerns. This may happen if an account is compromised or if there are unusual login attempts detected.

If a user’s account is locked or deleted, there are a few steps they can take to address the issue:

  1. Contact Snapchat Support: It is advisable for users to reach out to Snapchat’s support team in order to find out why their account was locked or deleted. They can also request assistance in resolving the issue.
  2. Create a New Account: In situations where users are unable to regain access to their locked or deleted account, they always have the option to create a new account on Snapchat.

To ensure a safe and positive environment on the platform, it is crucial for users to familiarize themselves with Snapchat’s terms and policies, avoid any prohibited actions, and promptly report any violations they come across.

Dealing with Error Messages

When dealing with error messages on Snapchat, there are a few steps you can take to address the issue:

  1. Check for updates: Make sure you have the latest version of the Snapchat app installed on your device. Updating the app can often resolve any compatibility issues that may be causing error messages.

  2. Restart your device: Sometimes, a simple restart can solve temporary glitches or errors. Try turning off your device, waiting a few seconds, and then turning it back on.

  3. Clear cache: Clearing the cache of the Snapchat app can help resolve error messages. Go to the settings of your device, find the Snapchat app, and clear the cache.

  4. Reinstall the app: If the error persists, try uninstalling the Snapchat app from your device and then reinstalling it. This can sometimes fix any software-related issues.

  5. Contact Snapchat support: If none of the above steps work, reach out to Snapchat’s support team for assistance. They can provide further guidance and troubleshooting steps specific to your situation.

By following these steps, you can effectively deal with error messages on Snapchat and ensure a smoother experience on the app.

Sharing Private Information and Suspicious Activity

Sharing private information and suspicious activity can have serious consequences for Snapchat users. It is crucial to exercise caution and safeguard your personal information. Refrain from sharing any sensitive or private details, such as your address, phone number, or financial information. Be mindful of the content you share and ensure it does not disclose too much about your personal life or location. Avoid participating in suspicious activities, such as soliciting or promoting illegal goods or services. If you encounter any suspicious behavior or receive unsolicited messages from unknown users, promptly report them to Snapchat support. Sharing private information and engaging in suspicious activity can expose you to risks like identity theft, harassment, or other detrimental outcomes. Remain vigilant and protect your online privacy by carefully considering what you share on Snapchat and who you interact with on the platform.

Permanent Account Bans

Addressing Prohibited Content and Violations

In tackling the issues of prohibited content and violations on Snapchat, we delve into the multi-faceted world of addressing these challenges head-on. From understanding the reasons behind bans to reporting violations and contacting blocked users, we’ll explore the various aspects involved in maintaining a safe and positive environment on this widely-used platform. So, hang on tight as we navigate through the essential steps and strategies to ensure the integrity and well-being of Snapchat’s vibrant community.

Understanding the Reasons for Bans

It is crucial to comprehend the reasons behind bans when it comes to the Snapchat device ban. Snapchat implements this prohibition for various purposes, which are worth understanding.

One of the primary motives for the ban is security concerns. Snapchat aims to safeguard its users from potential privacy breaches and ensure the protection of their personal information. By imposing a ban on certain devices, Snapchat can reduce security risks and maintain a user experience that prioritizes safety.

Compatibility issues also hold significant importance in the device ban decision. Snapchat frequently updates its features and functionality, relying on the capabilities of modern devices to provide the best possible user experience. By prohibiting older or incompatible devices, Snapchat ensures that users can fully utilize the app without encountering any technical difficulties or glitches.

Performance optimization serves as another reason for the device ban. As Snapchat evolves and introduces new features, it may require higher processing power or memory. Banning devices that do not meet these performance requirements helps maintain the overall performance and stability of the app.

Understanding these reasons for bans is essential for users to comprehend why their device may no longer be compatible with Snapchat. By staying informed, users can make informed decisions about updating or upgrading their devices or seek further assistance from Snapchat support.

Reporting Violations and Contacting Blocked Users

When it comes to reporting violations and contacting blocked users on Snapchat, users have a few options to address these issues.

It is important for users to proactively address violations and communicate with blocked users in a respectful and responsible manner. By promptly reporting violations and attempting to resolve conflicts, users contribute to promoting a safe and positive community on Snapchat.

Promoting a Safe and Positive Environment on Snapchat

When using Snapchat, it is crucial to prioritize and promote a safe and positive environment for all users. Here are some actionable steps that can be taken to actively contribute to this goal:

  1. Report inappropriate content: If you happen to come across any content that violates Snapchat’s community guidelines or encourages negativity, harassment, or violence, it is important to immediately report it. Reporting helps maintain the platform’s safety and wellbeing for every user.
  2. Block and report abusive users: In the event that you encounter users who engage in harmful behavior or harass others, take necessary action by blocking them and reporting their account to Snapchat. This prevents any further interaction with them and contributes to fostering a positive community.
  3. Set privacy settings: It is essential to review and adjust your privacy settings to ensure that only your friends or trusted individuals can view your snaps and interact with you. This measure safeguards your content and minimizes exposure to potentially harmful individuals.
  4. Mind your language and behavior: When posting snaps or participating in conversations, it is vital to be mindful of your language and behavior. Always use respectful language and refrain from sharing anything that may offend or cause harm to others.
  5. Encourage positivity: Spread positivity and kindness on Snapchat. Engage in conversations that uplift others and support your friends. Share snaps and stories that inspire positivity to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Promoting a safe and positive environment on Snapchat is of utmost importance. By adhering to and implementing these guidelines, users can actively contribute to a community that is enjoyable, inclusive, and free from any form of negativity or harm.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a Snapchat device ban last on an iPhone?

The length of a Snapchat device ban is uncertain. However, waiting for at least six months may allow users to open a new account on the same device without being banned again.

How can I unlock my Snapchat account if it has been banned?

If your Snapchat account has been banned, you can try visiting the Snapchat website to unlock your account. Keep in mind that unlocking your account does not guarantee the device will be safe to use without getting banned again.

What does it mean if I can’t find a username in the “Add Friends” section on Snapchat?

If you are unable to find a username in the “Add Friends” section, it means that the account associated with that username is permanently gone and cannot be recovered.

How can I fix a Snapchat device ban?

To fix a Snapchat device ban, you can try the following steps: verify that your account has not been compromised, change your password, enable two-factor authentication if necessary, update the Snapchat app to the latest version, and contact Snapchat support for assistance. If the issue is with the device itself, you can try factory resetting it.

Should I use a different phone or SIM card if my Snapchat account is banned?

If your Snapchat account is banned, using a different phone or SIM card may help determine if the ban is device-specific or account-related. However, switching SIM cards or using different phones does not guarantee a solution to the ban.

Can using a VPN bypass a Snapchat device ban?

No, using a VPN to change the device’s IMEI or other information is not a reliable solution to bypass a Snapchat device ban. Snapchat has a device ban policy in place to enforce its Terms of Service, and attempting to bypass the ban in this manner may lead to further consequences.

SmartHomeBit Staff