Troubleshooting Guide: How to Fix Unable to Start Software on Nintendo Switch

By SmartHomeBit Staff •  Updated: 08/06/23 •  15 min read

Understanding the Issue: Unable to Start Software on Nintendo Switch

Encountering issues with starting software on your Nintendo Switch can be frustrating and disrupt your gaming experience. This article aims to provide insight into the problem and offer troubleshooting steps to resolve it.

When the software won’t start, it means that you are unable to access or launch a game or application on your Nintendo Switch. This can occur due to various reasons, and understanding them is essential in resolving the issue effectively.

There can be several possible causes for the inability to start software on your Nintendo Switch. These may include software glitches or bugs, outdated system software, corrupted data, insufficient storage space, or even hardware-related problems.

To address this issue, you can follow a series of troubleshooting steps. The following steps can help you identify and resolve the problem:

Step 1: Check for System Updates: Ensure that your Nintendo Switch is running the latest system software by checking for system updates. Installing updates can often resolve compatibility issues and bugs.

Step 2: Restart the Nintendo Switch: Sometimes, a simple restart can fix temporary software glitches. Try turning off your Nintendo Switch and then turning it back on.

Step 3: Close and Reopen the Software: Close the problematic software and try relaunching it. This can help resolve minor software glitches that may be causing the issue.

Step 4: Check for Corrupted Data: If the software still won’t start, there might be corrupted data associated with it. Use the Nintendo Switch system settings to check for corrupted data and delete it if found.

Step 5: Delete and Reinstall the Software: If the issue persists, deleting the software and reinstalling it can sometimes resolve the problem. Ensure that you have a backup of any saved data before deleting.

Step 6: Contact Nintendo Support: If none of the above steps work, it is recommended to reach out to Nintendo Support for further assistance. They can provide specific guidance tailored to your situation.

To prevent this issue from occurring in the future, it is advisable to follow some tips for smooth software operation on your Nintendo Switch. This includes maintaining regular system updates to ensure compatibility, avoiding interrupting software downloads, and managing storage space to free up room for new software installations.

By understanding the issue and following the troubleshooting steps provided, you can overcome the problem of being unable to start software on your Nintendo Switch and get back to enjoying your gaming experience.

Understanding the Issue: Unable to Start Software on Nintendo Switch

Understanding the Issue: Unable to Start Software on Nintendo Switch

1. Check game card or digital download: Ensure game card is inserted properly or digital download is fully downloaded and installed.

2. Check system updates: Go to System Settings on Nintendo Switch, check for available updates, and download/install them.

3. Restart console: Hold down Power button for a few seconds and select “Restart” option.

4. Check for corrupt data: If the issue persists, delete and reinstall the game to see if it solves the problem.

5. Contact Nintendo Support: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, reach out to Nintendo Support for further assistance.

Some users have reported being unable to start software on the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo has acknowledged the issue and is working to identify the root cause and provide a fix. They are committed to ensuring the best gaming experience for their customers and provide updates and support for any issues that may arise.

What Does it Mean When Software Won’t Start?

When software won’t start on the Nintendo Switch, it can be frustrating to figure out the cause of the issue. There are several possible reasons why software won’t start, such as system updates, corrupted data, or technical glitches. To troubleshoot and resolve the issue, follow these steps:

1. Check for system updates: Ensure that your Nintendo Switch has the latest software version. Updating the system can resolve compatibility issues and improve software operation.

2. Restart the Nintendo Switch: Sometimes, simply restarting the console can solve software startup problems. Turn off the console and then turn it back on to see if the software launches successfully.

3. Close and reopen the software: Completely close the software and try reopening it. This can reset any temporary issues and allow the software to start properly.

4. Check for corrupted data: If the software still refuses to start, there might be corrupted data associated with it. Use the software management options to check for and remove any corrupted data, if necessary.

5. Delete and reinstall the software: If all else fails, you may need to delete and reinstall the software on your Nintendo Switch. This step can help resolve any issues with the software installation.

If you have followed these troubleshooting steps and the software still won’t start, it is recommended to contact Nintendo Support for further assistance.

To prevent these issues from happening in the future, it is important to regularly update your system, avoid interruptions during software downloads, and manage storage space on the Nintendo Switch. By keeping your system up to date and ensuring sufficient storage, you can help prevent software startup problems.

Possible Causes of the Issue

Corrupted data can prevent the game from starting if the software’s data becomes corrupted. Outdated software can cause conflicts and prevent the game from starting if the Nintendo Switch system or the game software has not been updated to the latest version. Incompatibility between the Nintendo Switch system and the game software can lead to issues when trying to start the game if the game software is not compatible with the system’s software version. Lack of sufficient storage space on the Nintendo Switch system can result in the software not starting properly if there is not enough space to install or run the game software.

A pro-tip to avoid the issue is to regularly check for system and software updates. Keeping both the Nintendo Switch system and the game software up to date can help prevent compatibility issues, fix software bugs, and ensure smooth operation.

Troubleshooting Steps

Having trouble getting your Nintendo Switch software to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this section, we’ll walk you through a series of troubleshooting steps to help you regain control of your gaming experience. From checking for system updates to deleting and reinstalling the software, we’ll explore each step’s purpose and how it can help resolve your software startup woes. So sit back, grab your controller, and let’s dive into the world of troubleshooting!

Step 1: Check for System Updates


Step 1: Check for System Updates

To troubleshoot being unable to start software on a Nintendo Switch, follow these steps:

1. Check for system updates:

a. Connect your Nintendo Switch to the internet.
b. Select “System Settings” from the home menu.
c. Scroll down and choose “System”.
d. Select “System Update”.
e. If an update is available, select “Update”.
f. Wait for the update to download and install, then restart your Nintendo Switch.

2. Restart the Nintendo Switch:

Sometimes restarting the console can resolve software issues. To restart your Nintendo Switch, hold down the power button for a few seconds until the power options appear, then select “Power Options” and “Restart”.

3. Close and reopen the software:

If a specific game or application is not starting, try closing it and reopening it. From the home menu, highlight the software and press the X button to close it. Then, select the software again to reopen it.

4. Check for corrupted data:

Corrupted data can cause software to fail to start. To check for corrupted data, go to “System Settings” > “Data Management” > “Manage Software” and look for any software with a yellow exclamation mark. Delete any software with corrupted data, and then try launching the software again.

5. Delete and reinstall the software:

If a specific game or application continues to have issues, try deleting it from your Nintendo Switch and then reinstalling it. To delete software, go to “System Settings” > “Data Management” > “Manage Software” and select the software you want to delete. Confirm the deletion, and then redownload the software from the Nintendo eShop.

6. Contact Nintendo Support:

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, it is recommended to contact Nintendo Support for further assistance. They can provide personalized troubleshooting steps based on your specific situation.

Step 2: Restart the Nintendo Switch

To troubleshoot a software not starting on the Nintendo Switch, follow these steps:

Step 1: Update the Nintendo Switch to the latest system software by checking for available updates in the system settings.

Step 2: Restart the Nintendo Switch by holding down the power button for a few seconds and selecting the Restart option when it appears. This can resolve minor software glitches.

Step 3: If the software still won’t start, try closing it completely and reopening it. Press the Home button, navigate to the software in the Quick Menu, and press the X button to close it. Then, launch the software again.

Step 4: Check for corrupted data associated with the software. Go to System Settings, select Data Management, choose Manage Software, and find the software in question. Select Check for Corrupted Data and delete any corrupt data found.

Step 5: If none of the previous steps work, delete and reinstall the software. Go to the Home Menu, navigate to the software, press the + button, select Manage Software, choose Delete Software, and then re-download and install the software from the Nintendo eShop.

Step 6: If the issue persists, contact Nintendo Support for further assistance. They can provide specific troubleshooting steps or guide you in potentially resolving the problem.

By following these steps, you can effectively address a software not starting on your Nintendo Switch. Remember to always keep your system updated, avoid interrupting software downloads, and manage storage space to prevent future problems with software operation.

Step 3: Close and Reopen the Software

To troubleshoot software not starting on the Nintendo Switch, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Home button on the Switch to return to the Home menu.
  2. Highlight the non-starting software and press the X button to close it.
  3. Select “Close” to confirm the closure in the pop-up menu.
  4. Go back to the Home menu and find the software icon again.
  5. Press the A button to reopen the software.
  6. If the software still doesn’t start, restart the Nintendo Switch and repeat these steps.

Closing and reopening the software, as described in Step 3, can resolve minor glitches or conflicts that may prevent it from starting properly. By restarting the software, you give it a fresh start and allow it to load without any previous issues affecting performance. If the problem persists after closing and reopening, proceed to the next troubleshooting step.

Step 4: Check for Corrupted Data

Check for Corrupted Data:

To check for corrupted data on your Nintendo Switch, follow these steps:

1. Power off your Nintendo Switch.

2. Remove the microSD card if inserted.

3. Turn on the Nintendo Switch and go to the home menu.

4. Select “System Settings“.

5. Scroll down and choose “Data Management“.

6. Select “Manage Save Data/Screenshots” or “Manage Software” depending on the type of data suspected to be corrupted.

7. Choose the software you want to check for corrupted data.

8. Select “Check for Corrupt Data” and follow the on-screen prompts.

9. If any corrupted data is found, you can delete it.

10. After deleting any corrupted data, restart the Nintendo Switch and try launching the software again.

To prevent issues with corrupted data in the future, make sure to:

– Regularly update your Nintendo Switch system for the latest firmware and bug fixes.

– Avoid interrupting software downloads or installations to prevent data corruption.

– Manage the storage space on your Nintendo Switch by deleting unwanted or unnecessary software or save data.

Step 5: Delete and Reinstall the Software

  1. Select the software you want to delete on the home screen of your Nintendo Switch.
  2. Use the “+” or “-” button on your controller to open the options menu.
  3. Choose “Manage Software”, then select “Delete Software”.
  4. Confirm the deletion by selecting “Delete”.
  5. Return to the Nintendo eShop after deleting the software.
  6. Search for the deleted software and select it.
  7. Download and install the software again.
  8. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the reinstallation process.
  9. Launch the software again to check if the issue is resolved.

Deleting and reinstalling the software can resolve potential issues or corruptions that prevent it from starting. This step provides a fresh installation, eliminating any previous glitches or bugs.

Step 6: Contact Nintendo Support

Contact Nintendo Support if you cannot start software on your Nintendo Switch. Follow these steps:

1. Go to the official Nintendo website and find the support section.

2. Look for the “Contact Us” or “Support Center” option.

3. Select the support category for software issues.

4. Choose the specific issue you are having, like “Unable to start software.”

5. Give detailed information about the problem, including error messages and affected software titles.

6. Provide your contact information, such as your name and email, when you get to “Step 6: Contact Nintendo Support“.

7. Submit your support request and wait for a response.

8. Follow any additional instructions or troubleshooting steps given by Nintendo Support.

9. Stay patient and responsive to further communication from Nintendo Support.

By following these steps and reaching out to Nintendo Support, you can get the help you need to start software on your Nintendo Switch.

Preventing the Issue: Tips for Smooth Software Operation

Ensuring a seamless software operation on your Nintendo Switch is crucial for an uninterrupted gaming experience. Let’s dive into some helpful tips that will help you prevent the dreaded issue of being unable to start software. From keeping your system up-to-date to managing your storage space effectively, we’ll explore techniques that will keep your Nintendo Switch in peak performance. So get ready to power up your gaming sessions without any hassle!

Maintain Regular System Updates

Regular system updates are crucial for maintaining the smooth operation of software on the Nintendo Switch. To ensure that you regularly update your system, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your Nintendo Switch to the internet.
  2. From the home menu, select “System Settings.”
  3. Scroll down and choose “System.”
  4. Select “System Update.”
  5. Click on “Check for Update.”
  6. If an update is available, choose “Update.”
  7. Make sure that your Nintendo Switch is connected to a stable power source during the update.
  8. Wait for the update to complete. The Nintendo Switch will automatically restart once the update is finished.

Maintaining regular system updates is important because they fix bugs, enhance performance, and introduce new features that can improve the overall functionality of the Nintendo Switch. By keeping your system up to date, you can ensure compatibility with the latest software releases and minimize issues such as software start failures.

Avoid Interrupting Software Downloads

Interrupting software downloads can cause issues when starting software on a Nintendo Switch. To prevent this problem, follow these steps:

  • Maintain a stable internet connection during the download.
  • Do not turn off or put the Nintendo Switch in sleep mode while downloading.
  • Avoid multitasking or using other network-intensive applications during the download.
  • By avoiding interruptions during software downloads, you can prevent errors and ensure a smooth user experience on your Nintendo Switch.

    In the past, interrupting software downloads on the Nintendo Switch often resulted in corrupted files and software that wouldn’t start. This frustrated gamers who were waiting to play their favorite games. Through user feedback and system updates, Nintendo addressed this issue. By providing clearer instructions and notifications during downloads and optimizing the download process, Nintendo has significantly reduced interrupted downloads and software start-up problems. Gamers can now enjoy uninterrupted download experiences and seamlessly start their software on the Nintendo Switch.

    Manage Storage Space on the Nintendo Switch

    To effectively manage storage space on the Nintendo Switch, users can follow these steps:

    1. Prioritize deleting unnecessary game data and applications. By doing so, users can free up valuable storage space to accommodate new downloads.
    2. Consider archiving completed games or those that are not currently being played. This process removes the software from the system while preserving the save data.
    3. Opt for transferring games and data to a microSD card. Compatible microSD cards offer a convenient way to transfer files and further free up internal storage space.
    4. Make it a habit to regularly check for software updates. By keeping both the console and games up to date, users can ensure optimal performance and even gain additional storage space.

    As a useful tip for effectively managing storage space on the Nintendo Switch, it is recommended to periodically review downloads and delete any unused screenshots or video clips. This practice can help maximize the available space on the console.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How can I fix the “Unable to start software” error on my Nintendo Switch?

    To resolve the “Unable to start software” error on your Nintendo Switch, you can try the following troubleshooting methods:
    – Restart the console by holding the Power button for 15 seconds.
    – Update the game software through the software settings or the game information page.
    – Reinstall the game software by deleting the faulty game and redownloading it from the eShop.
    – Check if you are trying to play a game trial and find out when the trial will be available again.
    – Verify that you are using the Nintendo Switch account that purchased the game.
    – Deregister the console and register it again as the primary console for the Nintendo Account.
    – Update the Nintendo Switch system to the latest version by going to System Settings > System > System Update.
    – Check for and delete any corrupt data on the console through System Settings > Data Management > Manage Software > Check for Corrupt data.
    – Format or replace the microSD card used in the Nintendo Switch or download the game directly to the system memory.

    SmartHomeBit Staff