Do blocked messages come through when unblocked? Find out the answer here!

By SmartHomeBit Staff •  Updated: 09/04/23 •  17 min read

Blocked messages can be a source of curiosity and confusion for many individuals. When you choose to block someone on a messaging platform, it is essential to understand the implications and consequences of this action.

Understanding Blocked Messages:

Blocking messages is a feature that allows users to restrict communication from specific contacts. When messages from a blocked contact are received, they are prevented from reaching the recipient’s inbox, usually without any notification to the sender.

What Happens When Messages Are Blocked?

Blocking messages works by creating a virtual barrier between the blocked contact and the recipient. This barrier prevents any messages, calls, or notifications from reaching the recipient’s device. Instead, these messages are typically diverted to a separate folder or space that the recipient does not have access to.

Unblocking Messages: What to Expect

When you decide to unblock a contact, it raises questions about the fate of the previously blocked messages. Will they suddenly flood your inbox upon unblocking, or are they lost forever?

Will Blocked Messages Come Through When Unblocked?

In most cases, unblocking a contact does not automatically release the previously blocked messages. The messages sent during the time of blocking are not immediately delivered to the recipient’s inbox once the contact is unblocked. However, it is essential to consider that different messaging platforms may have varying functionalities regarding blocked messages.

What Are the Factors That Determine if Blocked Messages Will Come Through?

The factors that determine whether blocked messages will be delivered upon unblocking can vary. Some messaging platforms retain blocked messages for a certain period, allowing them to be delivered after unblocking. However, other platforms may not store these messages, resulting in their permanent loss. individual platform settings or user preferences may also influence whether blocked messages are preserved or discarded.

To unblock messages and establish communication once again, specific steps need to be followed. These steps vary depending on the messaging platform and device being used. It is crucial to carefully navigate through the application’s settings and follow the designated unblocking procedures.

Considering the potential issues and implications of unblocking messages is essential. Users should be aware that unblocking does not necessarily restore previous conversations or interactions. it is crucial to understand that while the sender’s messages may now come through, they may not be aware of having been blocked and subsequently unblocked.

Understanding Blocked Messages

When it comes to blocked messages, it’s important to understand how they behave when unblocked:

Blocked messages typically do not come through to the recipient when they are blocked. The blocking feature in messaging platforms is designed to prevent all communication from the blocked sender. This means that any messages, whether they are text, images, or other forms of communication, will not be delivered to the person who has blocked the sender.

When the person who was blocked decides to unblock the sender, the behavior of blocked messages may vary depending on the messaging platform. In some cases, once unblocked, the blocked messages may start coming through to the recipient. It’s important to note that not all messaging platforms have this functionality.

It’s recommended to check the specific messaging platform’s settings or documentation to understand how blocked messages are handled when unblocked. This will provide a clear understanding of what to expect when unblocking a sender and whether any previously blocked messages will be delivered.

What Happens When Messages Are Blocked?

When messages are blocked, the following typically occurs:

  1. Blocked Messages Do Not Reach the Recipient: When someone blocks another person’s messages, those messages do not reach the recipient. This means that the blocked individual will not be able to send any messages to the person who blocked them.
  2. No Notifications: The person who blocked the messages will not receive any notifications or alerts about the blocked messages. The blocked messages will simply not appear in their inbox or any other message folder.
  3. Blocked Sender May Not Be Informed: In most cases, the person who sent the blocked messages will not be directly informed that their messages have been blocked. They may not receive any indication or notification that their messages did not go through or were blocked.
  4. Message Blocking Can Be Temporary or Permanent: Message blocking can be temporary or permanent, depending on the settings and preferences of the person who blocked the messages. Temporary blocking may expire after a set period, while permanent blocking means the messages will remain blocked indefinitely.
  5. Unblocking Allows Messages to Come Through: If the person who blocked the messages decides to unblock the sender, the blocked messages may start coming through again. Once unblocked, the sender can resume sending messages to the recipient.

It is important to note that the specific behavior and features of message blocking can vary depending on the messaging platform or service being used. Different platforms may have slightly different mechanisms and options for blocking and unblocking messages.

How Does Blocking Messages Work?

Blocking messages is a feature that allows users to prevent certain individuals from contacting them through messaging platforms. So, how does blocking messages work? When someone is blocked, they are unable to send messages directly to the person who blocked them. Blocking messages works by creating a barrier between the blocked person and the person who blocked them. Once messages are blocked, they do not appear in the recipient’s inbox. The blocked messages are usually stored in a separate folder or are completely deleted.

The process of blocking messages is straightforward. Users can access the settings or options menu of the messaging platform and choose the option to block a specific contact. Once the block is in place, all messages from that contact are prevented from reaching the recipient’s inbox.

It is important to note that blocking messages does not guarantee that the blocked person will not be able to contact the recipient through other means, such as email or phone calls. The recipient may still see notifications or indications that the blocked person has tried to send a message, but the content of the message will not be visible.

To summarize, blocking messages is an effective way to control who can contact you through messaging platforms. It creates a barrier between the blocked person and the recipient, preventing their messages from appearing in the recipient’s inbox.

What Happens to Blocked Messages?

When messages are blocked, they do not reach the recipient. The recipient will not receive any notifications or indications that a message has been blocked. The blocked messages are essentially discarded and do not appear in the recipient’s inbox or chat history. There is no way for the sender to know if their messages have been blocked, and they will not receive any notifications or indications that their messages have not been delivered.

The action of blocking messages effectively stops all communication between the sender and the recipient. It’s important to note that unblocking messages does not automatically restore previous conversations. The blocked messages that were not delivered will not suddenly appear once the block is lifted. If the sender wants to resume communication, they will need to send new messages that will be delivered after the block has been removed.

Whether blocked messages come through when unblocked depends on the messaging platform and its settings. Some platforms may deliver the blocked messages once the block is lifted, while others may not. The decision to deliver previously blocked messages is determined by the platform’s design and policies.

When messages are blocked, they are not delivered to the recipient, and the sender is unaware of this action. Unblocking messages does not restore previous conversations, and whether blocked messages come through when unblocked depends on the platform used.

Unblocking Messages: What to Expect

When you unblock messages from a person, here is what you can typically expect:

1. Message Delivery: Once you unblock someone, any messages they send you will be delivered to your inbox or message folder as usual. You will be able to see and access these messages.

2. Message If the person had sent you messages while they were blocked, those messages may not appear in your message history. Depending on the platform or messaging system, the messages may have been automatically deleted or stored separately.

3. No Retroactive Notification: When you unblock someone, they will not receive a notification indicating that they were unblocked. Therefore, they may not be aware that they can now send messages to you.

4. Future Interaction: Unblocking someone allows them to send you messages, and you will be able to communicate with them again. It does not guarantee a positive or successful interaction. Use your discretion when deciding whether or how to respond to unblocked messages.

5. Privacy and Safety Considerations: Unblocking messages means allowing the person to contact you again. If you had blocked them for privacy or safety reasons, be cautious and take necessary precautions when engaging with them.

It is important to note that the specific features and behavior may vary depending on the messaging platform or application you are using. Familiarize yourself with the platform’s guidelines and settings to understand how unblocking messages works in the specific context.

Will Blocked Messages Come Through When Unblocked?

Blocked messages will indeed come through once they are unblocked. Once a message is unblocked, it will be delivered to the recipient as if it was never blocked in the first place. The unblocking process ensures that the previously blocked messages are released and sent to the intended recipient.

The coming through of blocked messages depends on a few factors. These factors include the settings of the blocking feature and the actions taken by the person who blocked the messages. If the blocking setting is disabled or changed to allow the messages to come through, then the blocked messages will be delivered. On the other hand, if the blocking setting remains enabled and no action is taken to unblock the messages, they will continue to be blocked and will not come through.

To unblock messages, specific steps need to be followed. These steps may vary depending on the messaging platform or device being used. Generally, the unblocking process involves accessing the blocking settings and selecting the option to unblock or allow messages from the blocked sender. Once this action is taken, the blocked messages will start coming through.

It is vital to note that unblocking messages does not restore previous conversations or the messages that were blocked before. Only the future messages from the unblocked sender will be received. The sender may not be able to tell if their messages were blocked and then unblocked, as the messages will be delivered without any indication of the previous blocking.

What Are the Factors That Determine If Blocked Messages Will Come Through?

What Are the Factors That Determine If Blocked Messages Will Come Through?

Blocked messages may or may not come through after they have been unblocked, depending on several factors. One of the main factors that determine if blocked messages will come through is the type of blocking mechanism used. Different messaging platforms and apps have their own rules and settings for blocking messages, which can impact whether or not blocked messages are delivered.

Another important factor is the sender’s behavior and actions. If the sender continues to send messages that violate the recipient’s blocking settings or preferences, the messages may still be blocked even after being unblocked. It is crucial for the sender to respect the recipient’s preferences and adhere to any restrictions or limits set by the messaging platform.

The content of the blocked messages can also play a role. If the messages contain offensive, inappropriate, or spammy content, they may still be blocked even after unblocking, as the recipient may have additional filters or settings in place to protect against such messages.

Therefore, it is essential to consider the specific blocking mechanisms, the behavior of the sender, and the content of the messages when determining if blocked messages will come through after being unblocked. Communication and understanding between both parties are key to avoiding future blocks and ensuring smooth message delivery.

Steps to Unblock Messages

Follow these steps to unblock messages:

  1. Access Blocking Settings: Open the messaging app or platform and navigate to the settings or privacy section.
  2. Find Block List: Look for an option called “Block List” or “Blocked Contacts.”
  3. Select Contact: In the Block List, you will see a list of contacts you have blocked. Find the contact whose messages you want to unblock.
  4. Unblock Contact: Tap on the contact’s name and select the option to unblock or remove from the block list.
  5. Confirmation: Confirm the action when prompted to unblock the contact’s messages.
  6. Restart App: Restart the messaging app to ensure the changes take effect.

Once you have followed these steps and unblocked the contact, their messages should start coming through again. Keep in mind that any messages they sent while they were blocked might not be retrievable.

Considerations and Potential Issues

When it comes to unblocking messages, there are several considerations and potential issues to keep in mind:

  1. Message Storage: Depending on the messaging platform or app, blocked messages may or may not be stored while the block is in effect. If the messages are not stored, unblocking the sender will not make the blocked messages come through.
  2. Message Delivery: In some cases, unblocking a sender may trigger the delivery of any pending messages that were blocked while the sender was blocked. This may not always be the case, and the delivery of blocked messages is platform-dependent.
  3. Message Retention: If blocked messages are stored during the block period, unblocking the sender may allow you to see and access those messages. This is not guaranteed, as some platforms may delete blocked messages after a certain period.
  4. Sender Awareness: Keep in mind that unblocking a sender typically notifies them that they have been unblocked. This means they may become aware that their previously blocked messages are now accessible to you.
  5. Privacy Concerns: Unblocking a sender should be done with caution, especially if the blocked messages contain sensitive or personal information. Consider the potential impact and implications of unblocking and accessing previously blocked messages.
  6. Clear Communication: If you unblock a sender and want them to resend any important messages that were previously blocked, it’s best to communicate this clearly to avoid any misunderstandings.
  7. Platform Variations: Different messaging platforms and apps may have their own specific rules and functionalities regarding blocked messages. It’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the specific platform’s guidelines and functionalities.

Whether blocked messages come through when unblocked depends on various factors, including the messaging platform, message storage policies, and the actions taken by the sender. It’s important to be aware of these considerations and potential issues when unblocking messages.

Will Unblocking Messages Restore Previous Conversations?

Unblocking messages will restore previous conversations. When messages are blocked, they are prevented from reaching the recipient. This means that any messages sent during the blocked period will not be visible to the person who blocked them. Once the messages are unblocked, the previous conversations will be restored. Blocked messages will come through when unblocked, allowing the recipient to see the messages that were sent while they were blocked.

It is important to note that unblocking messages does not change the content of the messages. The messages will be received exactly as they were when they were sent. This means that if any messages were deleted or removed by the sender while the recipient was blocked, those messages will not be restored.

When unblocking messages, it is essential to consider the potential issues that may arise. For example, the sender may be aware that their messages were blocked and then unblocked. This can affect the dynamics of the conversation and may require open communication to address any concerns or misunderstandings.

Unblocking messages will restore previous conversations. It is crucial to be aware of the implications and potential issues that may arise when unblocking messages. Open communication and understanding can help to resolve any issues that may arise from blocking and unblocking messages.

Can the Sender Tell If Their Messages Were Blocked and Then Unblocked?

The sender can determine if their messages were blocked and then unblocked. When a sender’s messages are blocked, they will not receive any response or indication that their messages reached the recipient. However, when the messages are later unblocked, the sender will start receiving responses again from the recipient.

The indication that messages are unblocked is the sudden return of communication and responses from the recipient. This sudden return confirms that the previously blocked messages are now delivered and visible to the sender. Thus, it establishes that the messages are no longer blocked and the recipient is indeed receiving and responding to them.

It is important to note that the sender may not be aware of the specific reason why their messages were blocked initially. The reason can be attributed to various factors such as settings on the recipient’s device or messaging platform, the sender’s communication history, or certain actions taken by the recipient. However, once the messages are unblocked, the sender can ascertain that their messages were indeed blocked and can continue the conversation without any hindrance.

In summary, the sender can determine if their messages were blocked and then unblocked by observing the return of communication and responses from the recipient.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I receive any messages that were sent while a number was blocked on my iPhone running iOS 7?

According to multiple sources, including Apple discussions and James McAllister Online, when you unblock someone on your iPhone running iOS 7, you will not receive any old texts that they sent while they were blocked. These messages are permanently inaccessible and can only be viewed if the person resends them to you after being unblocked.

Does blocking a number on iOS 7 permanently delete the messages they sent?

Yes, when you block someone on iOS 7, the messages they sent are automatically discarded without being stored on your phone. This means that they are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered, even with data recovery software.

Can I still receive voicemails from a blocked number on my iPhone?

Voicemail may be an exception to the block rule. While messages and calls from a blocked contact are typically discarded without notification, blocked contacts may still be able to leave voicemail on your phone. However, your voicemail app may display these voicemails as coming from a blocked number, allowing you to identify who left the message without having to listen to it.

Do blocked messages get delivered when the number is unblocked on most messaging apps?

No, most messaging apps like iMessage, Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram, and Discord do not deliver messages from blocked contacts, even after unblocking. It is important to note that the delivery of blocked messages may depend on the messaging app’s policy and algorithm.

Can I see if someone has blocked me on Snapchat?

It is difficult to confirm if someone has blocked you on Snapchat or if they are simply ignoring your texts and calls. The app does not provide a clear notification for being blocked, so you may need to rely on signs such as not receiving replies to messages or calls not going through.

How does blocking a contact on WhatsApp work?

When you block a contact on WhatsApp, messages sent by the blocked contact will not be delivered to you, even if they unblock you later. The messages from blocked contacts are discarded, and you will not receive them.

SmartHomeBit Staff